Dealing with vulnerable customers

 Wednesday, 4th October 2017 14:30

Controlaccount is fully committed to the fair and equal treatment of everyone we deal with. In the course of our work, we come into contact with customers of all backgrounds and at all stages in life, including many who are vulnerable and may also be suffering from mental health issues. Many mental health support agencies and charities will tell you that debt is often a significant problem facing the clients that they deal with.

Here at Controlaccount, we want to ensure that we take great care to recognise any customers who may be considered vulnerable, whether due to a diagnosed condition like dementia; those who have an undiagnosed or temporary mental health condition such as severe anxiety; those with learning difficulties or literacy issues or those who are vulnerable as a result of other personal circumstances.

Controlaccount ensures that all of our employees adopt the TEXAS approach to working with vulnerable customers. This approach is outlined below:

T - Thank the Customer
E - Explain how their information will be used
X - Explicit consent to the use of their data
A - Ask the three key questions
S - Signpost to internal or external help, where this is appropriate

The key three questions asked are:
1. Does your condition make it difficult to repay your debt? If so, how?
2. Does your condition affect your ability to deal or communicate with us? If so, how?
3. Does anyone need to help you manage your finances such as a carer or relative? If so, how?

Identifying, managing and supporting vulnerable customers as early as possible in the process will help us to ensure that we are doing everything that we can to reduce the amount of undue stress for these individuals, whether this means communicating via email due to a customer’s hearing issues, ensuring that they are directed to debt advice or sent a financial statement. Spotting these issues early means that the issue can be resolved as quickly and easily as possible for all parties involved.

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