How much will it cost to recover my debt?

 Thursday, 9th May 2019 13:23

How much will it cost to recover my debt?You won't be surprised to hear that this is a question we are asked often ... This can be answered in a myriad of ways ... 

1) If you do nothing - it will cost you 100% of the invoice cost. Don't sit waiting on an overdue invoice; it becomes harder to collect the longer you leave it.

2) If Controlaccount is unable to recover the debt, you won't pay a thing. We operate on a no collect, no fee policy. However, we are extremely effective in recovery commercial debt and have competitive rates depending on the profile of the debt (age of debt, amount, etc.).

3) It could cost you absolutely nothing if the outstanding invoice meets the criteria where Controlaccount can apply Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 (LPA)  where the cost of collection is payable from the late payment charge and interest. This means that you could receive 100 percent of your debt.

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