Northern Business Expo - A review

 Thursday, 14th March 2019 16:18

Controlaccount Plc and our sister company, identeco, spent two days this week exhibiting at The Northern Business Exhibition in Manchester.

It was a fantastic event — not just in terms of footfall and like-minded businesses wanting to hear more about our business data solutions and outsourcing but there was an exceptional level of keynote speakers — and as identeco were the sponsors on the Digital Marketing Workshop — it was good to see that digital marketing is still such a key concern for businesses — it really is an effective way to grow your business.

If you'd like to know more about how we can help you engage with a new target audience and grow your business or perhaps you need some advice about outsourced solutions which will enable you to focus on your core business, get in touch with our sales team on who will be more than happy to make suggestions of areas where we can help.

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